Think about the amount of change that has occurred in the last 10-20 years. As we are getting access to more information through technology, we are experiencing an accelerating rate of change, and organizations need to be more creative and innovative than ever before.
Most organizations understand the importance of creativity and innovation but lack a strategy for fostering a more innovative culture. Innovative cultures are open to change, encourage new ideas, anticipate opportunities in the market, and adapt to changing times. Through a variety of training programs, we can help your employees enhance their individual creative capacity and work more collaboratively and innovatively with their colleagues.
I really enjoyed the training and learned a great deal. The trainers were knowledgeable, warm, and helpful! Thank you!
Enhance your individual and organizational creativity and innovation
Our creative problem solving workshops help individuals and teams enhance their creativity, collaboration, and problem solving skills. These workshops provide participants with opportunities to ‘learn by doing.’ The Basadur Profile is used as a tool to identify participants’ creative problem solving styles. Workshops are conducted through in person training or online, and the offerings can be customized to meet the schedule and availability of teams. Options include:

Two Hour Creative Thinking Boot Camp
This is one of our most popular introductory offerings and has been used by a wide variety of organizations to help shift how their employees think. The Two Hour Boot Camp is offered in person or through an online Zoom workshop. Participants learn about the accelerating rate of change, divergent and convergent thinking, what hinders creativity and innovation, and characteristics of effective and innovative teams. In advance of the workshop, participants will complete the Basadur Profile which is used to help them understand how they and those around them approach creativity and problem solving. At the end of the workshop, participants will discuss how they can apply these skills within their organization.

Four Hour Creative Thinking Boot Camp
The Four Hour Boot Camp provides a more in depth look into creativity and innovation and can be offered through an online Zoom workshop or in person. This popular workshop expands on the Two Hour Boot Camp content and also includes the accelerating rate of change, divergent and convergent thinking, and characteristics of effective and innovative teams. In addition, participants learn about
- Innovative organizational culture
- Process for creative problem solving
In advance of the workshop, participants will complete the Basadur Profile which is used to help them understand how they and those around them approach creativity and problem solving. At the end of the workshop, participants will discuss how they can apply these skills within their organization.

Four Hour Design Thinking Workshop
In today’s rapidly changing world, organizations are challenged to work collaboratively to accelerate innovation more than ever before. Design thinking is an approach to creativity and problem solving that is utilized by some of the most innovative organizations in the world, including corporations, non-profits, universities, schools, and healthcare organizations.
This training provides hands on opportunities for participants to apply the design thinking approach in their professional and personal lives. Participants will learn how empathy, ideation, and experimentation are foundational steps of the innovation process. Prototyping is introduced and practiced as a way to experiment developing physical objects and mapping experiences and services. Participants will walk away with an enhanced understanding of design thinking and how these skills can be applied within their organization to improve products and services.

Basadur Simplexity Thinking Training
Level 1: Using Applied Creativity (two days)
People who work in organizations are constantly faced with change issues and ill-structured problems. This workshop builds skills in proactively seeking out problems and opportunities and implementing creative solutions on the job. This includes understanding the nature of problems and using a process to creatively deal with them for positive change. It emphasizes working with others in harmony to discover important opportunities for improvement in both products and procedures and creating and implementing practical new ideas. Participants learn by applying the Simplexity Thinking system individually and in teams to their own work-related problems. (From
Level 2: Leading Applied Creativity (two days)
Participants build skills in facilitating small groups through the Simplexity Thinking process and gain a deeper grasp of the Simplexity Thinking system, preconsulting, meeting roles, phases, group dynamics and debriefing. Participants facilitate actual problem solving meetings. Not only do these skills improve the ongoing productivity of teams, but participants gain a greater understanding of Simplexity Thinking and its use in formal and informal situations. The facilitation skills learned also develop a more facilitative leadership style. Graduates can proceed toward certification as Simplexity Thinking Facilitator.
Level 1 and 2 can also be combined into an accelerated three day workshop.